Our Nehemiah School - “Empowering Weekend” is influenced and inspired by the book of Nehemiah; these monthly services are designed to empower and equip individuals. It is a weekend of learning, growth, and empowerment with incredible re-nowned guest speakers that will share life-changing teachings and personal life-applications that will ignite passion, unleash potential, and cause us to change the world around us.
What is The Epicenter?
The Epicenter is marked by presence-driven people and are home to healing wells. The Epicenter is a soul-saving station and place of supernatural deliverance and restoration. We are an equipping center, a place of family, strategy, apostolic ministry and prophetic identity. We are a place of continued refreshing and outpouring as opposed to a place that enjoys a seasonal outpouring. The Epicenter is an expression of the apostolic mandate to build places of presence and power. The Epicenter is also a place of prayer and intimacy that is marked by hunger. The Epicenter dwellers are well diggers; digging wells that will bring revival and transform the region. Worship in The Epicenter is not performance-driven rather it draws people deeper into powerful encounters with Jesus. The Epicenter is known for miracles and power and hosting the presence of God. Our goal is to see the establishment of the Kingdom of God locally and regionally.
Ephesians 2:20 is the model of the Epicenter having the foundation of the apostle and prophet with Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone. The apostolic anointing is a building and governing anointing while the prophetic anointing is a revelation and warfare anointing. The Epicenter embraces the five-fold ministry to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. We are a place of fathering, imparting, activating, and sending. The raising up a generation of spiritual sons and daughters that will release the Kingdom of God. The Epicenter carries a mandate for regional equipping, impartation, and activation that leads to and sustains revival, awakening, transformation, and reformation. |
The Epicenter is Called, Mandated,
and Mantled.
Jeremiah 29:7 (AMPC)... And seek (inquire for, require, and request) the peace and welfare of the city to which I have caused you to be carried away captive; and pray to the Lord for it, for in the welfare of [the city in which you live] you will have welfare.
Starting with a divine call to a region and people: In 2010, the Lord called us to build in Amarillo, Texas, prior to this we identified solely as an itinerate ministry, coming along side the local church, and having transforming revival gatherings. Thus, we started having gatherings in Amarillo, focused on equipping the saints, bringing revival, impartation, and activation. We started our monthly Breaker Gathering, and seasonal gatherings (Come & See, Nehemiah School of the Seventy, Times of Refreshing). As we have continued to build in our region, the Lord in 2018 revealed our mandate in Exodus 23:20-33 in which we see:
Starting with a divine call to a region and people: In 2010, the Lord called us to build in Amarillo, Texas, prior to this we identified solely as an itinerate ministry, coming along side the local church, and having transforming revival gatherings. Thus, we started having gatherings in Amarillo, focused on equipping the saints, bringing revival, impartation, and activation. We started our monthly Breaker Gathering, and seasonal gatherings (Come & See, Nehemiah School of the Seventy, Times of Refreshing). As we have continued to build in our region, the Lord in 2018 revealed our mandate in Exodus 23:20-33 in which we see:
Angelic Activity, Favor of God, Breaker Anointing, Prosperity & Healing, Fruitfulness & Multiplication, The Fear of the Lord, Warfare Strategies, Process Glory to Glory, Deliverance, and No Compromise.
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